Dans La Lumiere Du Rouge, Le Bleu

Dans La Lumiere Du Rogue, Le Bleu was created by French artist-Nana. He specializes in drawing, mixed media, painting and photography. In this particular work he focuses on painting and architecture.

The artist uses red and blue to create this abstract, architectural piece. He also uses white to bring viewers’ attention to the different architectural structures that are present within the art. It is comprised of architectural design that overlaps each other like pieces of a puzzle or a deck of cards. The red, blue and white colors are used to make reference to the French flag, which indicates the artistic development of structures in the country. I’ve been able to locate at least six different pieces of architecture in the art, but other observers may find more.

The artist’s inspiration and motivation may be to express the cultural significance of architecture within French society.

This work is important for its ability to use French ideals in order to express architectural advancements present within the county. While the artist in other pieces uses mixed media for experimenting with architecture, the red, blue and white colors on canvas, supplemented by various design elements, makes this an exceptional work to observe.

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