D2R Ladder Terror Zones: Here Are Some Best Farming Areas

Terror Zone as one of the most important updates in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder has attracted lots of players attentions, according to the test of patch 2.5, I would like to recommend some new farming areas under the change of Terror Zone.

Here are the three perspectives that I would like to determine an area whether good or not. The first one is monster density, if you compare the difference between Lower Kurast to the Flayer Jungle, you’ll notice a massive disparity in monster density. Some areas have tons of monsters others don’t, and i think that the more monsters you can kill to generate more loot the better so that was definitely a key factor.

The second one is how relatively easy are the monsters to kill, it is very important in my opinion because it can explain why like the Pit is a super popular area. Short speaking, it’s a level 85 area, the monsters here are relatively easier to kill than the other areas of the world, and they can drop the same items. You’ll notice that some of these S-tier targeted areas, monsters are easier to kill early than later on in the game, so I think that is a key critical factor.

The third one is how much time do you spend Teleport to that area or between monsters. For instance if you look at the Halls of Dead Level Two and Three, there is an instant waypoint with lots of monsters, good density versus. But you’ll also notice that you have to teleport large distances between other different levels, which may waste some times, so that Teleport distance was another kind of key factor.

Farming Areas In Act One

For the Act One, the first location is Tristram. This is a fantastic spot to Magic Find, you just start in the Stony Field teleport or run along the path till find the red portal, you’ll find that a lot of bosses back its location. It is a wonderful place you can farm Wirt’s Legs and other D2R Items.

D2R Farming Area 1

The second location which is Secret Cow Level, tons of monster density with higher experience values, the cows has huge number with low resistance and speed, It’s easy to kill and gaining different items. Those two locations are absolutely amazing.

Farming Areas In Act Two

In Act Two, the first location you might find a little bit questionable, it’s the Halls of Dead level two and level three, so you can just take the waypoint from the town. You’ll find a narrow corridor, there’s some solid monster density easy to kill, and you have sparkly chests at the end of level three as well.

That’s why I wanted to include it, very easy to find, easy to kill and a lot of density. Meanwhile, you do not have to teleport or travel a long distance, just go to narrow corridors and there are lots of monsters, so I think it makes a great location.

D2R Farming 2

Tal Rasha’s Tomb, it is easy to find, you start in the canyon that all the locations along the perimeter, there are tons of monster density, sparkly chests. This is a very sought after area in my opinion.

Farming Areas In Act Three

D2R Farming Area 3

Now moving on to Act Three, the next two locations I would like to put them together as one, the Spider Forest and the Flayer Jungle. If you run through those areas with area effect damage skills like a corpse explosion necro or a javazon or anything, there are number of monsters you can actually kill. It’s almost like a second Secret Cow Level, so I think this is going to be a critical area.

Farming Areas In Act Five

You may ask where is the Act Four, the reason I want to skip Act Four is the location like the River of Flame has already been a meta farming location, and Plain of Despair has always been sort of niche but viable area as well.

So I jump to the Act Five and the next two locations which I’m going to combine together as one as well are the Crystalline Passage and Frozen River, but not including Icy Cellar and Glacial Cavern, and also I want to throw in the Ancients Way.

On top of that, the reason why I’m not specifically including the icy cellar and glacial cavern is that they there is some nasty monsters like dolls, souls, the Frenzy Minotaurs and a lot of nasty stuff wants to kill you, but every other area that I listed is relatively having easy kill monsters for the most part, and they’re all cold immune but they don’t have fire immune.

D2R Farming Area 4

This is going to be a key location for a fire sorceress or a fire druid. The reason why I just really don’t like the Icy Cellar and Glacial Cavern are the combination of dolls and souls is horrible, but these other locations have really solid monster density meanwhile they’re catered towards fire damage dealing characters as well.

Overall the those locations would be very critical in high possibility with the change of Terror Zone. For the future challengers in Terror Zone, it is necessary for you to prepare properly with ideal items or gears. Actually in MMOWTS.com you can find almost any D2R Ladder Items in reasonable price, our website has 24/7 online supports to solve all your purchase issues as well. There is no time to wait, come to MMOWTS and buy!

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