Crossing Borders: An Art Exhibition about Asian-American Life Experience

Baltimore APAC (Asian Pasifika Arts Collective) asked artists to share what “Crossing Borders” meant to them.

Nico Gozal, “Migrate”, Painting on Silk. Courtesy of Artist and BaltimoreAPAC.

For Asian-American communities, the struggle to stay healthy amid the pandemic is not enough. They also faced a spike in Asian hate crimes in the U.S. during this pandemic time.


Asian Pasifika Arts Collective, is a group of artists decided to step up and speak up for the Asian-American community. They held an art exhibition entitled “Crossing Borders” as a way to reflect and tell stories about being Asian-American in recent circumstances. The virus had no regard for borders, but people often draw sharp boundaries between identities.

Nico Gozal, “Liberty Scorned”, Painting on Silk. Courtesy of Artist and BaltimoreAPAC. 

Nico Gozal, an artist who has moved to the US since 1990, reflected on his experience in the last 4 years. He found that his new country has turned into the former country he lived in. The violent and chaotic situation that he watched, urged him to create artworks, like MigrateLiberty Scorned, and Surviving 45. The ugly colors have been portrayed as the sky above the liberty statue. He associates himself as a butterfly who comes out from cocoon to live a new life. Although the situation is bad, he always sees a glimmer of hope for a better future.


Nico Gozal, “Surviving 45”, Painting on Silk. Courtesy of Artist and BaltimoreAPAC. 

Crossing Borders highlights the experience and capacity of Asian American artists to create works that impact and empower them across the barriers. This exhibition has significant roles in raising awareness, maintaining mutual understanding across identities, and bringing hope for a new future.


Artists featured in this exhibition are Cristina Rago, Catrece Ann Tipon, Ken Tsui, Kim Sandara, Nico Gozal, Sherry San Miguel, and Tim Singratsomboune.


“Crossing Borders” can be virtually enjoyed at this link: 

 APAC aims to amplify Asian American voices through art

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