Creating Design

Fashion Design Award at

Source: by Rajah Gavin

Creating design is useful, especially when it comes to handy objects. On the Internet today we can clearly see how other designers think and design. That’s if the DESIGN is naturally interesting to us. There are many outstanding and surprising contributions. In the end, design is always about developing something independent out of the task at hand. This is the communication industry.It seems easy to produce designs for the object. But what is harder, to produce design in fashion for real life model or to design objects. Or even lets say architecture design that is above all very expensive. Many strategies of designers have provoked ideas for improvements to the city if its in the architecture, but have also stressed the importance of focal buildings. How to build schools and places that generate community cohesion?

“If you look closely you will see that the “Waste Paper Basket” is made of recycled cardboard. We had designed this waste paper basket primarily to be able to store the numerous DIN A4 printouts appropriate for reuse. Our medium at that time was of course paper. It was also ingenious that we could send this waste paper basket folded in a B-4 envelope. In the end, this was a by-product of our core task of developing and implementing visual appearances. We have remained true to this to this day and have expanded to include digital forms of expression. Our first website went online in the early 90s. The very different tasks and industries are always fascinating. It is always a great feeling when you discover new possibilities. With every job we learn something new“ said Klaus Hesse at Hesse Design who received his first design award on Waste Paper Basket in 1995.

14th Annual Interior designer Award its on its way!. The deadline is 30th of September 2020. Its a competition for interior designers, architect designers, product designers, graphic designers and fashon designers. In order to gain worldwide exposure, please submit, it’s in LA and it’s exciting!

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