COVID-19 shuts down the Missouri House, after voting to not require masks

The Missouri House of Representatives has canceled next week’s session due to rising COVID-19 cases two days after voting down a measure requiring masks and social distancing. 

Missouri House Speaker Rob Vescovo, Missouri House Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann and other leadership members in the House issued a joint statement on Thursday evening.

“Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the building, we are exercising an abundance of caution to protect members, staff, and visitors by canceling sessions next week,” the statement reads. “Our goal is to return to work the following week.”

The exact number of lawmakers infected has not been released. There’s no word yet if the Missouri Senate will follow.

This shutdown comes just days after the legislature reopened. Many lawmakers had no masks — including the color guard. The Missouri House voted down a measure requiring masks and social distancing on Tuesday.

As the old people be careful what you ask for because you may get it. Now no mask and you are free to spread the virus and kill people. Our freedom to kill and harm others is there because you listened to Donald Trump. It is science not politics. it so sad on so many different levels. It’s all I can say. Your political freedom is all that you care about not your fellow man. And you care less about minorities.  

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