Completely Rejected! SCOTUS Dismisses Texas’ Lawsuit Aiming To Overturn Election Results. New Hampshire’s New House Speaker Dies Of COVID-19, Dividing Party On Health Guidelines | TODAY

The election is over the winner is Joe Biden. No more bull no more fake court mess. Now his followers are going to mad. He lost fair and square no voter fraud. Republicans are afraid of Trump period. Trump is now the leader of the republican party and if he does not get a big book deal and tv deal he will be running again. Just like Ronald Reagan Trump ignored the pandemic he took it lightly. Ronald Reagan Ignored Aid and Trump ignored Covid 19. It is a damn shame that in America that tried to overthrow the election. This is not time to get along with Republicans it time to get some shit done. Change is needed we are not going to change by working with Republicans they are not trying to work with us. Like when Obama all the want to do is make him one-term President. Now we need to hold power for the next eight years. It gets some shit done.

They are more the eight years we need to get this mess turned around and put adults back in the room. Biden needs to get his butt in gear and say fuck the republican party. No stimulus for the people at all no more unemployment for people not working. And all they want to do is make sure you can’t sue your job if you get covid 19 and Die. It is a sad day in American history that a president responsible for spreading the Virus and killing over 300000 people dying and counting. That is his life was spared with experimental drugs and he let his black friend die. He saved his two white friends it is quite clear what he thinks of black people his is a mess for real. Trump is only about Trump. He is trying to protect the Trump brand. He could not be seen wearing a mask he did not like the way he looked in it. So Trump followers you are responsible for this monster you created. He will be running in 2024 because he is an ass. He will destroy anybody that runs against him. He likes the power of the office. Senator Ryan ran the first two years and Trump ran the second and it all went to shit. If he would have been nicer to China they may have helped only have 4000 deaths like them. They did it right. Trump knew in November and did not shut it down until March. Family and friends’ lives could have been spared and he would have won a second term if he did this right. Our lives have changed forever because Republicans wanted to be entertained. Trumpeters The blood is on your hands. Trump’s party cost people their lives.

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