Colorful Installation at Lincoln Center, New York Celebrates Pride Month

Lincoln Center celebrates Pride Month by installation and performing arts.

People celebrate Pride Month every June as a tribute to those who involve in the Stonewall Riots 1969. The word “pride” has been chosen as opposed to shame and social stigma to the LGBTQ+ community.

 Lincoln Center, New York. 

Lincoln Center creates a colorful installation in their area to celebrate Pride Month. Try to walk by the rainbow spectrum steps at the Josie Robertson Plaza! All along this month, the visitors can also enjoy mesmerizing and colorful fountain inside the new public lawn named The Green, in Lincoln Center.

 Lincoln Center, New York.


Lincoln Center also express their commitment and support to the equality of LGBTQ+ communities by organizing many cultural events and performing arts. From June 21-26, Restart Stages at Lincoln Center presents an array of gender-bending and gender-busting events, among them, are National Queer Theater’s Criminal Queerness Festival (CQF)Treya Lam performance, Taylor Mac: Egg Yolk featuring The 24-Decade Gang with Matt Ray and Machine Dazzle, and Silent Disco on Friday night with DJ duo The Illustrious Blacks.


The history of Pride Month began with the Stonewall Riots that was caused by police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969. One of the leaders of the riots was Marsha P. Johnson, a black, trans, and bisexual woman. The protestors demand the freedom of LGBTQ+ people so they can be open about their sexual orientation without fear of arrest. Up to now, Pride Month is celebrated by people around the world by waving rainbow flags, organizing and joining parades, festivals, concerts, and art exhibitions related to the support for LGBTQ+ communities.

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