Colonization and Decolonization

Art Competition

If the old colonial ideas and power relations still-often unconsciously – have an influence on modern society and contribute to contemporary negativity and stereotypical prejudices please join this contest. The cultural association ‘De Geus’ , based in Lebbeke, Belgium holds a cartoon competition every two years. The theme is colonization and decolonization. The submitted works must not have received an award in Belgium. All graphic techniques are allowed. Also, the cartoons were drawn on A4 format and 300 dpi (maximum of 3 MB per cartoon) for digital cartoons. If cartoons are going to be sent by post, they need to have the name and address of the author on the back-side of each cartoon, a maximum of 5 cartoons. The competition needs no entry fee. The deadline for submission is 10 August 2021. The competition is open to anyone. There are awards:1st award – 800 Euro, 2nd award – 400 Euro, 3rd award – 250 Euro, 4th award – 200 Euro, 5th award – 150 Euro

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