Colin Kaepernick Compares NFL Draft to Slave Auction | The View: Born Natural | Colin in Black and White | Netflix

Football is a tough sport and he gets the hard road. The white owners have kept him out of the sport. Not all players make the big money. They take the risk the money is good. Black men take on boxing and the hard sports. The other owners took his jobs because he had the nerve to stand up. Black people don’t get first Amendment rights. With all that is going on in the world, he took a stand and nobody understood until George Floyd.

The blind spots in the story are the best part of this movie it is a really a good series to watch. Colin the story is really good it is must watch and this is the best part of this movie. You see and learn what black folks go through. Now the owner are all cowards and they want to control the men in this sport but the money is the real deal. If you give somebody millions or the 900,000 they want that money. If you think money is not the draw you would be wrong. The world has made black people in love with being entertainers and sports stars. But now we are learning to keep our property in entertainment Prince and Michael Jackson owned their music and Micheal owned everyone’s rights. It is no surprise they are both gone now but the cat is out of the bag. Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye are bosses. Micheal Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron are bosses also. They know their worth. God rest Kobe’s soul he was teaching athletes to be financial bosses, Bryan STIEBEL was his company. God rest his soul. Kobe Bryant and Jeff Stibel on the growth of their venture capital fund. When black men stand up it is hard to stop them. We know that football players end up broke after five years after they retire.

Kobe Bryant and Jeff Stibel on the growth of their venture capital fund

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