Clemantine Wamariya – 6 Year Old Taken From Home Looks Years For Parents: She Survived A Massacre & Spent 12 Years Looking For Her Family | Clemantine Wamariya | Goalcast. Ted Talk

Never again is written all over Rwanda so genocide will never touch the ground again. Your neighbors and friends will be killing you and your whole family. More people died in the churches. They had not seen their parents in 12 years. No words can describe genocide husbands kill wives, wives kill husbands, and neighbors kill neighbors. What a horrible thing for 100 days the world did nothing in 1994 but let it go on. Thank God that Rwanda is no longer in that place because of the great president they have. This is close to my heart because my son had a friend whose family was killed and his uncle raised him to be a great man. His uncle is his father now, Muhuza Didier Kayiranga was my son’s college roommate and America lies to black people about Africa. They show Rwanda in a genocide, us being ignorant and they want to show you starving kids and that is also in the middle of a war. We think a100 days of hell does not describe the growth this country has, it is beautiful and wonderful. Look at what God can do even when a man turns against man,

This Robert and his friend back yard is a paradise for real. Ignorant Trump called Africa a “shit hole” country. Africa is beautiful. Rwanda is the cleanest country in Africa. We are brainwashed by the media and that is why the world let 800,000 people die. Yes, bad things happened in Africa but every country has a problem, Rwanda has worked on it-see video below. Clementine Wamariya’s story is heartwarming and sad. After the Oprah show, she felt deep pain inside she knew they had deep pain from missing each other. It is not just the family Rwanda is not the only country that has done this, It is happening now when people want to kill people from their own county imagine these whites at war with black people in America. Who are we are all human and an 18-year-old kid wanted to die but the police led with talking cause he was white they did not lead with bullets as they do with black people? White supremacists want a race war because they think it would make the united states better without minorities they are so wrong. Diversity makes everything better period.

My son said to me Rwanda felt like home and it was the best feeling he ever had and the safest he ever felt in the world, Nobody looked at him like he was an outsider in his own country. The day he set foot in Rwanda my son started to love himself more. All black people should take trips to the motherland as Jews goes to Isreal. We are enemies in our own country we were born in and the truth is black was in America first and the oldest bones found here in America is African bones.


My son Robert and his friend are in a beautiful country now.
His parents took him in at their home when was a child
A beautiful family
Rwanda is a beautiful place now
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