Chris Rock breaks his silence: Wanda Sykes Shares Her Account of The Oscars: August Alsina writes a message; All Will’s Dirty laundry

Chris Rock breaks his silence, at the show and he still processing what happens. He started to get emotional when the crowd gave him a prolonged standing ovation. He apologized to Wanda sykes and it was supposed to be her night. Will Smith made a mockery of the black man who produced the show. Will Smith wanted inclusion and he got it and ruined it. The intelligent black man doesn’t use their fist they use their minds.

It is clear to me he is trying to heal himself through his work even taking on this project of Richard Williams and now he ruined it. He got to build the stadium he had Will Packer Produce the show. Black people had inclusion and, Quest Love had an emotional speech nobody heard cause you showed your ass. The Oscars had never been as black. And you win the best actor and took that time to make an excuse for your ignorance. Protecting your family no you protected your ego. This is really bad at all levels. Many people are on your side will because they loved you and saw you as black excellence and rapper that never used a foul word in raps and won a Grammy. Fast forward now you are about to be a person who wins Best actor for King Richard that you produced and told the story and you blew it,

Chris Rock has childhood Trauma he almost killed a child that bullied as you did Thank God he got some help you need to go away for a while. Will you need to heal your self get the hell out of the toxic relationship you are in, and get yourself together? Chris had to joke when an audience member heckled him. He had to joke is this man going to pull out a gun and kill me. Your words matter will your apology goes to his family and the people that love him. Oprah can’t help you now. Oprah made sure that Jaime Foxx did not blow his moment with Ray and you blew everything you had worked for because you were tired of being looked at like the harmless black man now you got your wish a billion people now know you fit the stereotype as a violent black man in your 20 I could understand in your 50 and struck a man almost in his 60 years old and you walked away and turned your back be glad Chris had therapy for almost killing a kid years ago.

Oscars host Wanda Sykes shared her personal account of where she was when the incident between Chris Rock and Will Smith occurred, and how she feels about what happened that night. Will Smith was allowed to stay because he refused to leave the Oscars. Chris apologized to her and Amy Schumer and Regina Hall. Chris knows what it takes to be a man in the room. The real problem is Pictured below: I don’t agree with the bald thing but the rest is on point. Black women, you are not your hair. Weaves and braids hair lost. That is what Jada is experiencing

Do Will Smith and Putin suffer from ego problems? The problem Putin had is the whole country and an army do is dirty work and Will Smith destroyed and bombed the Oscars world to the ground. This is a problem I don’t want to keep writing about this but damn it is all that is in the media. It took the war off the front page in America and that is sad as hell because Will did Putin and Kanye big favor he took them off the sideline and he refused to leave the Oscars like a dictator it was not his world he invited this mess. He deserves what he gets, It was okay will to be the Good guy you were trying to please a woman that does not love you she is a business partner she harmed August and she harmed you. Wake up.

Chris Rock is the real victim he was just doing his job. It was a joke and 50% of black women deal with hair loss because they are trying to be white. Your Queen does not need hair to beautiful, She has just needs to stop dragging her family to table talk. If she was not married to you there would be no Table Talk. Just like Bobby brown reality show without Whitney Houston. Watch yourself will you are endangering your reputation by not being able to come back from here. Nobody cares about Jada and she knows it. Table talk is your best thing and now you ruined it. Jada this is your fault you should have stopped your man. You should have protected him and told him to leave the Oscars every wound was wide open that never healed and in will and you let him bleed out right in front of you. He wins an Oscar and now he may be banned for a lifetime. All that he worked down the drain cause you could not hold your face from disgust you have been through much worst than that and you could hold it together as well look like he wanted to cry. When you aired your dirty laundry.

Breundé Henderson: said it best on Facebook;

“I want to go on record as a black woman who deeply loves her black man, and further say, Jada failed him. Will Smith was earning an Oscar, a lifetime achievement!!!

As a couple, his success should have been the only thing on display that day! That man has been publicly ridiculed for YEARS… not for what he did but for what Jada did!

And on a night of firsts, the night that man gets to make history, yet again, Jada’s shit has made him a mockery.

A confident hand squeeze, a bat of her eyelashes, and a mouthed “Baby that’s ok, it’s about YOU” would have calmed him and put the spotlight back on her man, a man that deserved that statue.

But no. Jadas love is so toxic I’m praying for that brother. Her love has publicly shamed that man for YEARS. Protection?

Shiiiiiii…. Will needs protection from Jada. Black men need protection from women like Jada. The slander black women face is because of characteristics that are seen by men in women like Jada. And every time I see black women co-sign her protection, over his lifetime achievement – I get a bit more worried about the future of our black family #isaidwhatisaid

The Jada thing is so real she is not disconnected from this she engineered this. She should have comforted this man. Will Smith is 60lb heavier than Chris and 4 inches taller. Will Smith is going against God. If you did not go on the Red Table we would not know what was lying or not. Love is a hard thing, You must know this is not real. Chris did not press charges. You need to let God lead and now Will Smith is lost. You are so deeply in love with this woman you don’t love God anymore. Take an award and with consequences.

He gave his full self to Jada. and he wrote recently: “Choose peace; trusting that life’s intricate puzzle pieces are all forming together for the greater good and mastering of the seasonally sometimes chaotic nature of your life’s art piece that’s being formed and painted by birthing life to your internal masterpiece; grown through external chaos-metamorphosing alchemy, dark turned 2 light and beauty within,” he wrote alongside a selfie via Instagram. “I’m A Walking Billboard & Network Simply Desiring To Televise & Broadcast Love, the love, grace and healing embrace of God, Good Music that’s healing (w/ a lil bit of nasty).”

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