China: Power and Prosperity — Watch the full documentary and Trade war

Being too rich in China can be a problem. As long as it is good for China you are fine. The government is trying to get rid of poverty. Is that bad, no. America would never try to get rid of poverty because that would mean uplifting minority communities. The trade war in China is necessary even if it was Trump’s policy. Because America needs to be able to compete. China is using technology to get ahead. Social data is important in China so you can get a loan faster at a cheaper rate. China has 200 million cameras. If you jaywalk you reduce your credit score. You reward good behavior with lower prices. Don’t talk about government, talk about business. China is doing what it has to do to make China great. We have to stop fighting progress if a company is beating us to 5G the US needs to work harder. China wants electric cars to be a world leader. This is why it is doing what it has to in order to make sure electric cars are on the rise. Art is really important because it is the way it can build wealth. The western-educated Chineaw population is starting to want western art. We have to stop thinking of China as our enemy- it is not. We as Americans if a country like dictators exist then so be it; it is not our right to pick what works for another government. China doesn’t like religious freedom. Government is all they need. Remember America is the one that called Asian people the ideal immigrants. And they are the ones that don’t want to invest in Africa. All America wants to do is hold Africa down. If China is responsible for building a middle class in Africa so be it. America built one in china. Because helping black rise in Africa is a no-no. Trump called Africa a shit hole. He is hands-off in Africa that was good for real. Now other countries are filling the void for Africa. Now billions of Africans are on the way up. China has rich people and poor people and Jack Ma has not been heard from because he spoke against the Chinese economy. Sometimes people wanting to be free from China like the Muslim Religion and this against China’s law. Religion should not separate us. But it does. One country’s two systems are working but it is strained and the young people in china want real freedom now in Hong Kong. Let’s give peace a chance. The virus from China has killed over 400,000 Americans mostly black or brown people. Trump should have followed China’s way to stop the virus it is a new day and a new administration. Let see how Biden deals with China, the future is now. Having a strong economy is directly related to the military, manufacturing, and tech. And cars are at the forefront because it brings all this technology together. It is clear China wants to be the biggest market in the world and that is 1.3 billion people and we have 300 million people in American so their economy should be 4 times bigger. Semi-Conductors, was a big deal in China who wants to be self-sufficient in the world. So here we are, we got a new administration and we will see what Biden does. We are both going for world business domination and that is a good thing. America needs to be making better goods and technology. Let’s go.

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