Cheslie Kryst Memorial service was about service to the world. She had a beautiful memorial service and she had inspired everybody. The service was about herself and her service to others. She was doing everything right. She was shamed for being fit. We had a lot of personal people telling people how wonderful she was for the world. She was doing everything for others and not feeling her spirit and she was empty and needed to find peace. As beautiful and smart she needed her spirit to be filled, she needed to be happy. She could not find that place, so she took her life and you can see all the people she inspired for life in the video below.
You are not alone video is just what we need to hear if you are sad. She is telling the truth. Amber McCann is real about her life.
I’ve always believed in the value of stories, but I believe there’s even more power that flows from a person’s testimony. In May 2018, I found myself in a very crippling place both mentally and spiritually. On paper and in person, everything in my life seemed to be in order. But what people around me didn’t know is that I was mentally and emotionally sick. I wanted my life to end.
I’ve shared my story with only a handful of people in person. But after the passing of one of my biggest inspirations, Cheslie Kryst, I decided to share my story on a much larger scale. Maybe you can’t relate to my story, but nonetheless, you do have a story that the world needs to hear. I hope this video inspires you to speak up and speak out.
Cheslie is no longer here to hear my story. She will never be able to watch this video and know that she wasn’t alone. I am not able to encourage her the way I would have liked, but I can do it for others. I created this video to help the other “Cheslie’s and Amber’s” out there. Women (and men) who appear to be so strong and so together, but who find themselves struggling with perfectionism, validation, and high expectations.
If there’s nothing you gain from this video, please remember this: You have dignity. You have value. And you have worth. True satisfaction, joy, and meaning; can only be found in Christ and in Christ alone. This video is worth listening to.