Check out my cool new bookshelf that I’m obsessed with!!

<— BEHOLD!!! MY NEW MINI BOOK SHELF!! I just got this a month or so ago, and have been dying to put it together ’cause it looked SO cool in the photos. I had NO idea yet what I was going to put in it since there’s limited book space.

Would I put my absolute 100% favorites in it? Or… orrrrrr!!!! Would I create a cool color-scheme (<— that one was VERY close to what I ALMOST did, as that was what I was building at first). But then… I saw them. My perfect idea. I decided on my obvious (and very serious collections) that I researched obsessively a few years ago. And was delighted to be able to find, piece by piece. My first editions… signed Twilight series (all protectively covered in that clear plastic stuff)!!!!

And then!!!!! My beloved first editions of the Fifty Shades of Grey series (when they were first with that small publishing house). Alas… not signed (but maybe one day?) But for now, I’m ecstatic with my finds, and these were THE PERFECT books to highlight on my cool new bookshelf addition to my MAIN book shelf.

P.S. It actually sits ON TOP of my main book shelf, and it all looks TOO cool! Books to the ceiling!

P.P.S. Thank you to my wonderful husband for patiently putting this together for me this morning. How I love him!!! 😍

Books to the mooooooon!!! Er… well, to my ceiling, at least. 😉

If you had one of these, what would you highlight in it?


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