Chadwick Boseman and his inspiration to the world; Gone too soon

This one strikes deep because life does not give you heroes they are born. This man had colon cancer since 2016 and he gave us his greatness without complaining. He turned lemons to lemonade. But damn not seeing in black Panther 2 will remind me of Malcolm X, Martin Luther Kind, Kobe Bryant, and Nipsey Hussle and all the real heroes weave lost. We give so much to the world and this country does not love us. How long should we wait for justice and reparations they could have given reparations in the past. How long does take to admit it wrong 400 years? Every person that has been done wrong need to be given it just due. It is time white complained that Wakanda was not real and it was in no way depiction of reality. Neither is their bible that they stole from the Egyptian story. It is clear and written. Like the phone in Jetson the and Star Trek if you take your foot off the neck of Africa and Black American Wakanda can become real. Colonizer’s pay us what you owe us.

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