Castle – Oleg Tchoubakov

Oleg Tchoubakov is an artist from Belarus who specializes in painting and figurative art (creations derived from a realistic source like a photograph or piece of film). In addition to showcasing his works at galleries in his home country, he has also presented galleries in Venice.

The artist created the painting with a photograph as his initial inspiration. All of the elements within the art point toward the architecture that is seen on the right side of the canvas. Observers gain a sense of the kind of day it is during this snapshot of life: the clouds are mostly blue but there appears to be some grey ones appearing in the north left corner, the figure is riding a bicycle and her hair and dress are drifting with the wind just like the grass in the front yard of the architecture. These components help observers view the architecture from different perspectives.

The artist’s creative direction was to develop a piece of art that reflects the original image, and in the process made a painting that uses visual movement as a way of appreciating the art from a variety of ways.

This work is significant for its brilliant use of color, visual design and methods of placing emphasis on components of the art.

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