Carlton Fine Arts Presents P. Rubinstein

Carlton Fine Arts presents P. Rubinstein, a solo exhibition featuring original works and sculptures from the celebrated contemporary artist spanning from 2007 to 2023. The show will be on view from May 10th through June 12th at Carlton Fine Arts Ltd. located at 543 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022.

Gallery director Charles Saffati and his associate Claude Pardo will host an artist reception on May 10th from 5pm – 9pm to celebrate the new exhibition.

Rubinstein draws themes from both the present and past, finding inspiration from whatever catches his eye. From celebrities like Clint Eastwood and John Lennon to the iconic Campbell soup can, Rubinstein presents his viewer with futuristic, and avant-garde works at the intersection of optical, pop, surrealism and street art.

The P. Rubinstein exhibition will be spread throughout three floors and will highlight over 50 pieces including new optical art works, giving the impression of movement with shifting imagery. Spotlighted pieces will include Multi Perfume from 2022; La Dimension du Luxe from 2022; Nuages Fuji from 2022; and BB Soleil from 2022.

A career spanning almost two decades, the artist has realized portraits of Kilian Mbappé, Yannick Noah and Tony Parker. He also offered Carlos Cruz Diez his portrait to pay homage to one of the founding fathers of Op art.

He’s worked with Philippe Starck and his pieces can be found in museums around the globe including the Maurice and Paul Marciano Foundation In Los Angeles, POPA Porrentruy Optical Art in Switzerland, the Copelouzos Museum in Athens and the Dali museum in Paris

Rubinstein’s artistic language is fueled by his childhood, growing up in Paris during the time of British Rock, cinema, and American pop. He learned the techniques of kinetic art from his father and created his first optical work in 1977. However, it wasn’t until 2007 that Rubinstein decided to focus fully on his artwork, leaving the fashion career he began in 1981 to pursue his true passion. His first works were influenced by Russian Constructivist photographers, who used geometric primary forms and arranged them into a harmonious composition. Rejecting the decorative in favor of the urban and industrial, the abstract austerity of these works formed the basis on which he began to build his own ideas of communication and colour.

From there the artist began to fuse optical art techniques and pop art aesthetics, paying homage to the cinematographic iconography and Pop-Rock culture of the ’60s and ’70s from his formative years. In 2016, Rubinstein started to incorporate metal foils, allowing him to create a new range of optical effects. He developed a new way of working in which changes of perception no longer occurred only as a result of movement, but also through the orientation and variation of natural light.

It was in 2017 that Rubinstein went back to his roots with optical art, which can be seen in his newest pieces over the last few years. He directed his attention towards a poetic abstraction, allowing movement, space and geometry to become the driving forces behind his work. Each work’s palette became more monochromatic with contrasting uses of metallic leaves such a gold, aluminum and copper leaf, creating optical effects never seen before in Op art.

The Patrick Rubinstein exhibition will be on display with all works available for purchase at Carlton Fine Arts Ltd. 543 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022 location.

Exhibition hours are Mondays – Thursdays: 10 AM – 6 PM; Fridays: 10 AM – 3 PM; Saturdays: Closed; Sundays: 11 AM – 6 PM and by appointment. 

For those interested in checking out the exhibition outside of open hours, appointments can be scheduled by calling 212-593-2800 or email: Visit hcp:// , for more information.

For PR inquiries, contact R. Couri Hay or Sarah Gartner at R. Couri Hay Creative PR T: (212) 580-0835 E:


Carlton Fine Arts locations are nestled on Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue in the Upper East Side of New York City showcasing the highest quality Pop Art and Modern Masters from across the world in their five-level flagship gallery. Gaining their start in 1969, Carlton Fine Arts is a family owned and operated business. Carlton Fine Arts Ltd. is located at 543 Madison Ave and 689 Fifth Ave in New York, NY.  Exhibition hours are Mondays – Thursdays: 10 AM – 6 PM; Fridays: 10 AM – 3 PM; Saturdays: Closed; Sundays: 11 AM – 6 PM and by appointment. For more information visit or @carltonfinearts.

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