Bulls**t’: Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko reacts to Russia’s claim: Putin’s war documentary

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko reacts to Russia’s claim that they are not targeting civilians and residential buildings. New Day’s John Berman speaks to Klitschko’s brother, Wladimir, a former boxing champion who’s now serving in the Kyiv Territorial Defense Forces.

The theater was destroyed and children were in the building. Russians are saying they are not bombing children but the evidence is clear they are committing a war crime. They are delivering military aid, NATO has done what they said. No NATO of military self. We need military equipment we are not alone. The war of mad man will come to an end. Putin is losing his mind he made a mistake and all he wants to of now is not look weak. He is on an island and he needs to let this go. He is killing people for no reason. Putin thought it was supposed to be fast they want their freedom period and this is not looking good at all. Putin made it a mistake and it is so sad, He is fighting off a big bully Russia Putin has no way to get out of this take over the capital these people want to be free period.

Putin made all his people say they wanted war and it was a sad day in the world. It is Putin war and nobody in his country wants it at all nobody. He was trained to see everybody as a threat to society. No one person of color is in government at all. He is not a happy man at all and Trump loves this man every fiber of his soul. Trump thinks he is the strongest leader in the world and the smartest. Trump is a leader that Trump’s followers really want Donald to be in control. And this is so sad. Putin wants to be a leader of Russia wants to bring back no freedom to Russia, He wants to be free from the freedom he wants sheep as followers to do what Putin says period. Putin wants to punish the separatist. He wants to have strength. He is destroying his own country to keep power. So the world has its hands full. He manipulated Trump and he had puppets in office in America. Putin is an alpha male and he is doing what he wants to do. He takes over the TV and the operation paper clip is in force. He doing all that he can to keep people as sheep in his country. Democracy is not what Putin wants. Crimea was the first step that was sent in unmarked soldiers to this land and Obama was on the way out. It would strike at Democracy on Hillary Clinton emails was used to help Trump get in power Trump is one of us Russian. These videos are clear. Putin is doing what he hell we want to do. Trump’s Dumb butt believes Putin when Clinton lost. Trump’s win is seen as a triumph for Russian for Putin. Trump is Fanboy for Putin. The US is stupid and weak and Russia is strong Trump did this. Russia without Ukraine is a country with Ukraine it is an empire. So is the only thing he wants is to take away freedom. He is more dangerous now than ever now. He will not be humiliated he has no checks. Taking out Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdhāfī of Lybia is Putin’s fuel to fight Democracy. He called Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdhāfī a lion. He watched the tape over and over of Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdhāfī being taken out by his own people. Russia does not want to be a Democracy. So Putin will fight to the death with all these people and nobody in his government can stop him. Russian President Vladimir Putin says he makes just $140,000 a year. Here’s how he may be one of the richest people on the planet. CNN’s Drew Griffin reports

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