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Bruce Carlton Cunningham Jr and Un- Resolved trailer, For The Kids short film

Mother Charged With Murder After Police Find Twin Babies Dead In Queens Apartment

This is real-life in 2015 Director, writer, and actor Bruce Carlton Cunningham Jr. did a short film about mothers killing their kid’s postpartum depression is real. A mother is now responsible for the death of her twins in Yonkers, New York.  The short film was in 2015 and our children are being killed by their mothers. As social workers and communities, we need to do more to support these single black and brown mother’s who a raising these kids by themselves it is clear and has been clear for a long time that this is a problem, this is why we need abortion service, not all women have the tools to love and care for babies.  It seems to me that our world is spinning out of control and it is horrible what our young people have to do.

Bruce Carlton Cunningham Jr. Is a spiritual man on a mission to deliver good stories and real-life stories that don’t always have happy endings. He is a writer that thinks the movie communities deserve spirituality and real-life situations, this is how our children survive to learn right and wrong. It is not pretty out there. In St. Louis children were shot and killed in our community because of gang violence. 18 kids shot and killed 86 total shot. This is not protecting our children at all. St. Louis needs good jobs to get these young people off the streets and a job training program for high school dropouts paid training so they can get out of those streets. Real-life is hard and it sucks period. As a social worker it is hard but you have to make the hard choices if a parent does not have what it takes to take care of their children. You should be able to put the child in good programs and good foster care, not bad ones that are there for the check. Because they want to make this world better. As a social worker, I have been fired for doing my job too well. My first priority was to my clients and the children.  So if I felt the child was in danger I found them another placement. If the parents did have good jobs I sent them leads to better ones. My philosophy that child behavior is a symbol of a broken family structure. Sometimes family structure is fine it just needs some support and the right things to guide the children in the right direction. We need to get the children and parents the mental health programs they need counseling and medication included in that.


This year film will be released in St. Louis that all of st. Louis needs to see.  The film is Un Resolved and I will let the director and cast pitch it to you in the video below. I was looking up the film and the article about the murder of the twins showed up like God telling the story for me. Bruce and I talk and in real life it is gangster and spiritual the two forces are at odds with one another. They both have to be addressed. Support this movie when it comes out



2015 short

When you meet greatness it has an impact on you.

Trailer for the upcoming film.



Funding is over but good explanation of the film

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