Broadway Set to Remove Mask Mandate in July

After dealing with the global pandemic over the last couple years, Broadway had to close the curtains and lock the doors. Since last year, the playhouses have been going through the reopening process. In just a couple weeks, Broadway plans to remove the mask mandate.

According to Variety, all 41 Broadway theaters will give audiences the opportunity to see shows without wearing a mask. The change in policy has been made due to the decrease in the spread of the pandemic in New York.

The Broadway League states that the policy will “be evaluated on a monthly basis as we continue to monitor the science.” The organization also expressed that “audience members are still encouraged to wear masks in theatre.”

It has been printed that some individuals who are both creative and business contributors to Broadway assert that mask requirements have an adverse effect on ticket sales. If this information is accurate, then it would be safe to assume that Broadway ticket sales will increase in July.

“Millions of people enjoyed the unique magic of Broadway by watching the 75th Tony Award Ceremony recently,” said Charlotte St. Martin-President of The Broadway League. “Millions more have experienced Broadway live in theatres in New York City and throughout the U.S., since we reopened last fall.”

Last year’s Broadway sales were a 50% decrease from the last season before the pandemic. Some expect this to change with the most current Broadway season.

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