The attorney and it is how it works only presented positive things for the two officers they did not even have their camera on. They try to get her ex-boyfriend to say she was involved in the drugs he was charged with. He would not. The only reason the other officer was charged he shot into a white family apartment with a 5-year-old and pregnant mom and a dad. black lives don’t matter. Breoanna did not have a gun she can’t be friendly fire where his castle doctrine. Those criminals that come out and said they did what was right knew if they had killed white people in that apartment they would be charged with murder. Black lives don’t matter. Daniel Cameron black in skin color not in heart attorney General of Kentucky used the playbook of the Missouri Attorney General used in Mike Brown’s murder nothing in there to bleed her case. Only the guilty police had representation. Breoanna Black essential worker killed with no weapon. It is not a billion dollars for her life so it does not hurt taxpayer are paying the bill, not the police.
Breoanna Taylor news this morning: Reactions around Us. Sad day in America the white neighbors get justice