Breaking News: President-Elect Joe Biden Beats Trump 273-214

Former Vice President Joe Biden will become 46th President of the United States

It’s official! Now we can finally say to Trump, ‘You’re Fired!’  Welcome and congratulations to our new 46th President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris! Break-out the champagne! Kamala Harris makes history as our first female Vice President-elect! This is a historic moment for us all! It’s been a long road to reach the top magic number of 270 and now it’s safe to say, Joe Biden will be our next 46th President of the United States! The final score, Biden 273 Trump 214! Sorry, Trump, your days in the White House are numbered and you’re the sore loser! Now please concede and accept your loss like a man not like a ‘grown crybaby!’ Trump is still fighting to challenge this election, but his allegations are baseless and have no merit. He’s a bully and mocks everyone but himself. Biden won fair-in-square! There was no election fraud with either party and no sense in arguing about it! It’s only Trump telling lies so just ignore him! America is back and the people have spoken! All the votes were counted and no illegalities were reported by the media or election officials. CNN and the Associated Press called it and Biden has won and so has America! Meanwhile, Trump is on the golf course acting like ‘business as usual’ and nothing negative could ever impact him! He can’t do any wrong right? Wrong! He did plenty wrong to this country and destroyed it; should we count the ways?  Well, something bad did occur to him, he lost the election! ‘Bye, bye Trump!’ You only cared for yourself,  you’re the enemy of the American people you were never a supporter for us! Your handling of COVID-19 was despicable! You lied, and millions of Americans died! You have shown your ‘true colors’ and we saw through it all. We are pleased that we chose a president that will fight for us and represent our country the way it was founded by our forefathers. They wrote the Constitution for a reason and all Americans and the government should honor, protect, and defend it. Our motto always has been, ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’  ‘United’ is in our country’s name; the United States of America and Trump has made every attempt to divide us but we will never let that happen with the new administration. Trump will never finish that border wall! It will probably be torn down for good! We can finally all rest easy that Trump will be gone from office! Bad news for you, Mr. soon-to-be former president and amazing news for the American citizens! Covid will disappear eventually and with this new administration, we will receive help to make sure it goes away and make UBI (Universal Basic Income) law. The fight to defeating COVID won’t be immediate. There’s still work to be done. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (D-California) gets to keep her seat along with Mitch McConnel (R-Kentucky) and is probably now breathing a sigh of relief knowing Trump will no longer be the president. They never got along and she hated Trump with a passion! Does this mean that the stimulus package will finally pass for the American people and we get the emergency relief we need without Trump ruling the roost? His final day in the office is January 20 so we will see what the new Biden-Harris administration does going forward governing this nation. The recovery begins! The results for the Senate seats Democrats 48 and Republicans 48 so it’s a statistical tiebreaker. The Dems gained one seat, the Republicans lost one seat. It’s 51 seats for the majority. In the House of Representatives seats, the Dems lost four seats and the Republicans gained 5 seats. The final results, Dems 212 seats, Republicans 197 with 218 for the majority. If Trump doesn’t leave and concede the election, the military will have to remove him physically from the White House! We all knew it was boiling down to this! The American people are celebrating and dancing in the streets! Our freedom was at risk now ‘We The People’ have taken our country back! Trump, your worst nightmare of living in your new home where you belong, ‘The Big House’ prison where you will spend the rest of your days are coming true! Biden said last night in his speech, “No matter if you voted for me or not, It’s time to get to work and put the country back together!” Now that sounds presidential not like an insulting dictator who is used to winning but never losing! Now that the election is over and all the votes are tallied, we can all rejoice and celebrate and look forward to a brighter future!
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