Breaking News: NY Governor Cuomo Under Fire: Officials Call For New York Governor Cuomo to Resign Following Sexual Harrassment Misconduct Investigation

Governor Cuomo has been under fire for sexual harrassment misconduct investigation by NY State Attorney General Letticia James and calls are being brought for his immediate resignation

Officials immediately call for Gov. Cuomo's resignation following the investigation that he sexually harrassed multiple women. YouTube/NBC

A huge announcement was made Tuesday morning by New York State Attorney General Letticia James that in a five-month-long investigation; New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has behaved inappropriately, making sexual harassment gestures towards multiple women; 11 victims past and present who were considered his staff members—that have worked under him in the Governor’s office in Albany. Cuomo is now being asked to resign or be impeached due to his illegal misconduct and disturbing Federal and State violations.

If Cuomo reluctantly resigns, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will succeed him and take his place.

According to The Hill, House Republican Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (NY) called for Cuomo to be arrested in the wake of his sexual harassment abuse towards multiple women. She also called for President Joe Biden to demand Cuomo resign immediately or face impeachment consequences.

In another statement from The Hill, Stefanik also said President Biden should follow their lead and call for the governor’s resignation.

No one is above the law and today justice must be served. Governor Cuomo must resign and be arrested immediately,” Stefanik said. “President Joe Biden must immediately call for Cuomo’s resignation.”

President Joe Biden announced today that he is joining other Democrats calling for Cuomo’s resignation.

Cuomo continually denies any wrongdoing and defiantly insists that he was misunderstood and rejects calls to resign.

It was determined that his actions were heinous according to the Attorney General’s report.

Here’s New York State Attorney General Letticia James announcement on her findings on the Cuomo investigation on YouTube:

News 12 reports that the probe led by two outside lawyers concluded that Cuomo had inappropriately touched them and commented on their appearance or made suggestive comments about their sex lives. All turned out to be true statements by the victims who said that working for the governor was a very toxic and embarrassing environment for them.

Cuomo is without a doubt guilty on all counts and is definitely not fit to continue as Governor of New York State and should be removed from office immediately.

Actions speak volumes—far louder than words.

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