Breaking News: Election 2020 Voter Fraud Suspected By Trump Campaign

President Trump vows to fight election fraud and stop Biden from becoming president

It appears at the moment that Biden is leading in the polls with two key battleground states; Pennsylvania and Georgia, but Trump claims a different story that he has evidence that he actually won the election and the Democrats have committed voter fraud with illegitimate ballots remaining because Biden has not come forward legitimately and has been hiding in his basement this whole time. Biden barely made rally appearances with dwindling crowds.

Trump says he will go to court to claim his rightful victory and prove that the Democrats are committing election fraud to oust Trump for good. Trump says, “Not so fast!” and he will fight to the end to prove that the Democrats rigged the election and put Biden in his place and prevent a Biden victory.

The Next News Network makes this point that the Biden campaign is stealing the election and Trump is the clear winner.

The New York Times reports Biden currently leads in Wisconsin and is slowly chipping away and narrowing Trump’s chances of re-election and Trump demands a recount in that state and will fight the Biden campaign in court to prove that he is winning in both Pennsylvania and Georgia which is heading toward a recount. Biden has a huge lead in Pennsylvania by 6,000 votes and is claiming victory in Georgia over Trump by over 900 votes. The recount in Georgia continues because there is a small margin of error between the two candidates. They are neck-in-neck in that state.  The former VP is now expected to be the presumptive winner. The election is not over yet and the plot thickens! He still leads in Arizona.

Meanwhile, neither Arizona nor Nevada will give their final results until Friday prolonging the wait for the final tally even more.

The Daily Mail states that there are now 8,197 votes that remain uncounted in Georgia and it puts both candidates in equal standing with each having 49.4 percent of the vote. The overseas and military ballots are due at 5 p.m. Georgia carries 16 electoral college votes and could flip in Biden’s direction if he continues to hold Arizona’s lead.

We will continue to update you with the final results as they become available.














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