Breaking News: Chaos on Capitol Hill

Trump protesters riot in the streets and storm the Capitol to disrupt vote count but then Congress reconvenes

The first full week of the new year is here and it’s already turning out to be a rough one as the raging pro-Trump mob occupies Congress.

On Wednesday, January 6 Trump supporters stormed the Capitol and a mob intentionally went on a rampage in the streets to disrupt Biden’s electoral college confirmation on Capitol Hill while the electoral votes were being counted.  The brawl between protesters and police provoked using tear gas for crowd control as seen in this Bloomberg Quicktake video.

The Daily Mail confirmed that the urging of his followers to block Biden’s votes led to Trump being suspended from Twitter for the first time and removed three of his tweets. He was also banned from Facebook and Instagram which was extended because of the inappropriate posts that he incited violence and encouraged his supporters to engage in it. Trump still lost the election and there’s nothing he can do about it. White House staff is now calling for his immediate impeachment and removal from office.

In an overwhelming majority vote, Congress dismisses bid to overturn Biden’s victory in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

It all started at a Trump rally and then got worse. The rioters took one step further and illegally entered the Capitol building and security was unsuccessful at banning the protestors. One protestor displayed a confederate flag in the hallway of the Capitol building. The angry pro-Trump mob were desperately trying to block the votes to confirm Biden’s win. The National Guard was activated when it got so out of control. The mayor of D.C. immediately called for a 6 p.m. curfew and the area and the Capitol building went into lockdown mode. Four people died during the mob breach, including one woman shot by D.C. police.

Members of Congress were evacuated but are safe. said pro-Trump rioters tore down the American flag and replaced it with a Trump flag. Their agenda was to overturn Biden’s victory and protest that it was a fraudulent election and Trump is the real winner which he wasn’t. Vice President Mike Pence refused to cooperate with the president’s orders to object and overturn Biden’s win.

The Daily Mail also reports that despite all the chaos surrounding Capitol Hill; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) called Congress to reconvene and resume the vote count under an armed guard.

This YouTube video displays that part of the story:

According to TMZ, members of Congress have arranged a secret meeting in an undisclosed location to use the constitutional 25th Amendment to remove Trump from the White House permanently because of his treasonist acts and violent dictatorial behavior. The 25th Amendment states that the president can be removed if he is unable to discharge his powers and duties of the office. Attempts for Congress to impeach Trump in 2020 failed.

NPR stated that President-elect Joe Biden held a press conference today and said that democracy is ‘under unprecedented assault.’ 

Biden’s somber address urged Trump to fulfill his oath and curb the violence. The president later released a video urging the mob of protesters to go home and end the siege. He said that the “words of the president matter and at their best they can inspire—but at their worst, they can incite.”

Congress has now officially confirmed Joe Biden’s victory as the 46th President of the United States.

We will update you more on this story as soon as more information becomes available.

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