Brad Pitt Displays Sculpture in New Exhibition

The actor showcases his work for the first time with musician Nick Cave and artist Thomas Housego

While Brad Pitt is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood, few have known that he is also a visual artist. He is showcasing his work for the first time in public at the Sara Hilden Art Museum in Tampere, Finland. Other contributors include Nick Cave and Thomas Houseago. The exhibition is entitled We and features nine works by Pitt, including his first sculpture House A Go (2017) and a bronze work Aiming At You I Saw Me But It Was Too Late This Time (2020).

Brad Pitt’s Aiming At You I Saw Me But It Was Too Late This Time (2020)

Photo: Instagram/ deBranne Treu

According to The Art Newspaper, Pitt began making ceramic art in 2017. He now has a studio at his Los Angeles home. It has been reported that he invited Leonardo DiCaprio over to discuss the inspiration for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and to “bond over their shared love of pottery”.

A coffin-sized bronze box by Brad Pitt.Photo: Instagram/ deBranne Treu

In regards to the opening of the exhibition, Pitt declared: “For me, it’s about self-reflection…It was born out of ownership over what I call a ‘radical inventory of the self’…And getting really brutally honest with me and taking account of those I may have hurt and the moments I’ve just gotten wrong.”

Creativity has no bounds. People have limitless capability to create the types of works they are inspired to develop. Sometimes we do not know we have a special talent until a later point in life. In the case of Brad Pitt, he has always exceled in the performing arts; however, after going through some life changes several years ago, he discovered that he has a talent and appreciation for the visual arts as well. It will be interesting to see how Pitt may use collaboration with his concurrent passions in works going forward.

The show will be on display until January 15, 2023.

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