#BookReview of The Lake House by Theo Baxter #TheoBaxter @inkubatorbooks @zooloosbt #ZooloosBookTours


The Lake House by Theo Baxter
Published by Inkubator Books on April 28, 2024
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
Also by this author: The Stepfather, Vanished, It’s Your Turn Now, Skin Deep, Blood Line, Not My Mother, Dark Duty

I have no idea where or how Theo gets these crazy ideas for a book! This is no different, this was completely wild and out there – and at times so believable! Although, on the flip side, Pine Lake DOES sound amazing and idyllic!

Laura, oh Laura, you have to feel somewhat sorry for her. Well definitely at the beginning! That is not how your wedding should be! Following on some years after, Laura has made her home elsewhere. Trying to get to grips with what has happened and how to move on…

However, moving on would be too simple! With Brian, the so-called friendly Mayor / Entrepreneur / Landlord, life won’t be that simple! Especially when Laura’s new neighbours turn up.

Like I said, this was wild! The depths people will go to! The ending seemed to be a bit too quick and wrapped up, I was hoping for a second sting, but it was nice for closure and we needed that! Throughout the gossip and gaslighting, it was tough to think clearly what the heck was going on and now thinking back, the signs were all there! Every.Single.One.Of.Them!!!

But because things were so hectic, and misleading, we weren’t given the chance to see the signs. I mean they are obvious and I did pick up on them but Baxter doesn’t let you dwell too long. Always throwing something unexpected in!

Another wild ride by this author, and I am excited to see what he does next…not sure I will have long to wait!

Until the next time xxx

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