A man of his word, it will be a lot of work. Biden has had this dream since he was thirty years old, Now a 78-year elder statesman, he is the President of the United States of America. The office of the President will go into the background of the day and not be a daily soap opera of what is the President saying and tweeting. All this talk about working across the aisle is poppycock. The Republicans will rebrand when Trump fades into the background and they find a new leader for the party. Now the Democratic party is lead by a career Politician who was friends with Ted Kennedy and Ted gave an important endorsement to Obama and helped him pick is his VP. Ted Kennedy was 100% right. Now we want to have to be entertained by the white house anymore. We need to move on from Trump. Now, we need a President that can stay off the headlines and do the work. Let the man from Scranton do his job. May God bless Joe Biden.
Biden’s First Day Executive Orders