Biden introduces Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson | Special Report

Ketanji Brown Jackson is truly a beacon of light. It saddened my soul that our divided government will not overwhelmingly vote for this great black woman and to be on the Supreme Court. We have black women who are highly qualified. Biden said, “The courts for too long have not looked like America”. Her parents were teachers. Her dad went back to law school. It is an honor to have such a woman on the court. She comes from a family of police officers. She has been confirmed by the Senate three times. She is more than Qualified for this Job. Black women have always been the backbone of this country.

This is history in the making. I know Republicans will put up the fight because they don’t want black women on the court. Joe Biden is way more personal than Trump and the court is equally as important as President and both houses. She is a really bright light. I am clear that to do great things like black people we must educate ourselves. She said “The United States is the greatest beacon of light in this world” our world will benefit from this woman. Her brother was a Howard Graduate and police officer who served 2 tours in the Middle East. She has done the work and she is worthy of the honor. She is a woman with a family that is like this country, diversified and beautiful. Her daughter wrote a letter to Obama to consider her mother for the bench. It is clear to me she is qualified. She is a real person. She worked to make the system better. She was a public defender. She did some great work. She is amazing. She said, ” you may not be the smartest person in the room but you can be the most hardworking.” Sometimes as an older person, you don’t feel as valuable, she sure stands in contrast to this we need this woman on our court. May God bless her journey.

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