Biden-Harris Inauguration Preview

As America prepares for the incoming Biden-Harris Administration it will go virtual this year due to Covid-19

After all the talk and preparations with very tight security underway to deter more violence and prevent another insurrection that occurred at the Capitol building on January 6; Inauguration Day is finally upon us on Wednesday, January 20th. Here’s what to expect this year at Biden’s Inauguration due to COVID-19 which is causing the big day to shift gears:

Outline of Biden-Harris Inauguration

*It will go virtual as all other major events have gone. Both President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will both take their oaths on the steps at the US Capitol.  There will be large no pomp and circumstance, no sidewalk supporters to wave to, no packed-in protesters to pass by, no spectators at the National Mall which will be closed off to the public, and the parade that follows will be in limited attendance. Instead, it will be a privately held smaller ceremony with performers going virtually live at various remote locations. The Biden Inauguration could look similar to the summer’s Democratic Convention. Biden held very few in-person events and spent much of his presidential campaign following Covid-19 safety protocols.

Here’s a video on Reuters YouTube channel that explains it all:

* The usual shoulder-to-shoulder Presidential dinner could either be nixed or socially distanced.

*Biden didn’t fly to Washington D.C. in a government plane; instead, he took a private plane.

*The National Inauguration Committee stated in a public service announcement on Tuesday, that they urge Americans to stay home. Forget about booking a hotel room at the famous Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. you won’t get a room, it’s too expensive and not worth your time. D.C. will be on a very tight security watch alert; after the raid on the Capitol building happened two weeks ago.

What’s Next For Trump

President Trump will be flying to his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida and will leave the White House permanently to make room for the new incoming Biden-Harris administration. He had stated previously that he will not be attending Biden’s inauguration ceremony. He recently made his final farewell speech in this video:

We’ll have more on the Biden-Harris Inauguration soon.

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