Biden: BLM Activists Would’ve Been Treated Differently at Capitol

This is already a different tone he is saying the truth. Biden’s Cabinet is ready and is the most diverse one in history. This looks like America. Trump just had mostly conservatives and Alf-Right supporters. Biden may have been on the wrong side of prison reform at first but now he has grandchildren who can see injustice and just maybe he can get the ball rolling in the right direction. President Obama was black, but he could not do anything for black communities without being kicked out of office. It is nice to have a grown up in the office. It will not be anything said that will have to go into the news cycle. Biden does not want to be in the headlines every day, He wants to go about and make it good for all Americans. The thing is if it was great for black people it is glorious for the majority population if racism was on the way out and they would benefit from that ten times more than black citizens. It would be overwhelmingly good for them. We could close some prisons and get new jobs for rural areas besides prisons. They would not have to lock up with them for eight hours or more. They could build new roads, make infrastructure better. Get involved in renewable energy like solar and battery-operated cars. If the majority population would open up their eyes and look at the world and see that it is changing for the good. They would not think the way of life was being taken away. The truth if the majority could see how poor people live they would not want that for anybody at all. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself, we would be a wonderful country. That is why there is so much division in our country.

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