Berlin Group Global 3000 Transformation

Art Competition

Berlin Group Global 3000 is organizing the exhibition title transformation. They seek applications from artists for the first part of a vision of exhibitions Transformation and The Good Life. The depiction is on the euphoria of technological progress. And what if the technological progress is over? The dream of endless growth is coming to an end and at best leads to transformation. Is the art reference a transformation as a theme? Does it mean the process that leads globally to a good life for people and sustainable use of natural resources? And with all economic, technical, and scientific prerequisites, convention stands in the way of transformation because we see social and cultural change as feasible. But a framework of feasible has been set up by economists. The value of nature appears in the overall economic calculations and the economy is transformed into one growth. What is the sustainable and good life nowadays social changes according to the artists? What leads us towards change? The transformation is also an aesthetic project that makes necessary changes that require the creativity of the entire society. Does art require opening up new spaces for thoughts and making transformation imaginable and feasible? Berlin Group Global 3000 works on sustainable art production. Artmaking also leaves its mark on the environment, so artworks that means transformation produce sustainably by collecting practical tips and that means dealing with materials and energy, so there will be many tips and texts about practical sustainability in art-making. The evaluation of works will be done by individual jury members. Does the celebrating transformation in its literal sense, the artworks designed to physically transform are those that will transform? That is to alter, mutate, revamp or revolutionize the idea or art? Thinking about what we can transform, and how we can do so. We can transform an idea, a feeling, or a way of doing something… Or to explore transformation in relation to identity. What is this transformation? Is this transformation about a person or an art object for the sake of better expressing identity? Or are they presenting an image of themselves the media expects to see?

The application deadline is 15 February 2022. All artists worldwide can submit contributions to the theme of transformation and it is for a group exhibition. Art can be a sculpture, installation, photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, video, audio works, as well as performance or writing. Artists can email application materials and files to Performative contributions can be performances, VJs, readings, or the like, are welcome for the vernissage, artist talk, or finesses. All submissions that can reflect the theme described as transformation are welcome. All individual artists or artist groups can apply online with a maximum of three artworks. It is also possible to submit a picture series or installations, the documentation of the work in PDF or DOC with a PDF or DOC file. This is a self-organized artist-run project space on a voluntary basis. For artworks sent by post, senders should include return postage. All production, further technical equipment, transport, or insurance is on artists. The presence of artists living in or near Berlin is desired and the artist talks as well. The organization will do an in-gallery and digital presentation, a commented video tour, an online gallery, online conversations, and events.

The deadline is the 15th of February 2022. For everything else, please go to

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