Ben Crump has a job because of police killing. Officer Kim Potter Killed Daunte Wright: Kim Potter Resigned

Kobe Heisler and Daunte Wright same song same day. Trevor Noah

NOTE: This content contains language of a racial nature and may be uncomfortable for some audiences. 4.14.21

I hate writing about these things as a black man it makes you feel helpless and sad. So riots are a symptom of racism. So black people don’t need to keep dying by accident or on purpose.  The police are not the slave patrol but they are acting like it. The response to black men are real. A  black soldier cried when he was arrested and peppered sprayed and he taking to the ground in his uniform.  White men are intimidated by black men. Mentally ill, soldier or child police are police afraid of black people, sad part is white police don’t have anything to worry about with black men. It is real that blacks are not seen as Americans, they are seen as former slaves who have no rights whatsoever. This is the truth of America. No matter how long we have lived here Former President Trump would say go back to where we came from if we don’t like it here.  So Black people are the oldest bones in America so we are home. 26-year veteran woman killed Daunte Wright she did not know it was her gun. So let’s see taser are bright yellow and black guns. So here we go again. During slavery, blacks got lynched because they were smart black men with business, and when white women in relationships with slaves wanted to get back at them when the relationship went sour. So white women were as cruel as white men during slavery. When the master had sex with women she would send her children away. So the white women owned more slaves than white men.  So we are here now and we got a lot of work to do. The Kim Potter police officer who shot Daunte Resigned from her position. The Chief Resigned today Brooklyn Center.

Complete video diary of this story

This is Kim Potter — the officer who killed Daunte Wright… but did she know the difference between a handgun and a taser? Let’s review the facts:
She is a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Center Police Department. She was 6 YEARS into her law enforcement career when Daunte was BORN!
She also serves as police union president. She has defended questionable actions in the past.
Here’s an example of her doing just that:
After the fatal police shooting of Kobe Dimock-Heisler, Potter gave instructions to other officers on how to protect themselves and obscure accountability: “Officer Potter instructed Officers Turner аnd Akers to exit the residence, get into sepаrаte squаd cаrs, turn off their body-worn cаmerаs, аnd to not tаlk to eаch other.”Potter knew exactly what she was doing. She knew how to obscure the truth. In that instance, her actions were clearly intentional.
This is Kim Potter — the officer who killed Daunte Wright… but did she know the difference between a handgun and a taser? Let’s review the facts:
She is a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Center Police Department. She was 6 YEARS into her law enforcement career when Daunte was BORN!
She also serves as police union president. She has defended questionable actions in the past.
Here’s an example of her doing just that: After the fatal police shooting of Kobe Dimock-Heisler, Potter gave instructions to other officers on how to protect themselves and obscure accountability: “Officer Potter instructed Officers Turner аnd Akers to exit the residence, get into sepаrаte squаd cаrs, turn off their body-worn cаmerаs, аnd to not tаlk to eаch other.”Potter knew exactly what she was doing. She knew how to obscure the truth. In that instance, her actions were clearly intentional.

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