Axis Art Platforma

I am looking for the right platform, always! While I do, I think that I must have plenty of time, even if I don’t! Time is irrelevant and I do not have plenty of time! It doesn’t matter, we need to stay a foot at home because of the COVID 19 anyways.

 There is an art platform I found while I searched for the legacy of one of my favorite English actors Sir John Hurt. I have met the late Mr. John Hurt in Dubrovnik, Croatia at the beginning of 2000. He was a guest star at a local international film festival. We talked on the street, on an even more celebrated Dubrovnik Old City Square Stradun, right under an ancient old town clock. I remember that he gave me a wave for goodbye, and turned around with his wife to leave. I waved back not knowing that this was my first and last goodbye to Mr (Sir) Hurt. Now, among us artists, there is a Sir John Hurt Art Prize. And while browsing the vast space of the Internet for something interesting and artsy, I have found information Axis Art Platforma. 

Now let me share this info with you! Axis is the UK and International Art Platforma that presents a selection of the UK and international contemporary art opportunities. To view all new art opportunities for artists and art professionals you have to sign in.

Sounds risky. One thing is pretty certain, this art platform is free.

This is an independent charity, It is a platform to support artists of different profiles. Artists are desparate to create the right space and atmosphere, with different programmed activities:

Just write an artist brief and connect with the right artists and art professionals or just email


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