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Authentify Art – Entertainment Startup in 2022

Prototype: Authentify Ecosystem Experience (Coming Soon)

Many entertainment startups exist in 2022. They cover various aspects of the industry including communication, streaming, TV, gaming and other fields. Emerging companies are not finding it difficult to raise capital from venture and angel investors. The number of new entertainment startups has increased significantly over the last couple years.

Entertainment startups bring innovations to technologies, products, marketing and other aspects of business in the entertainment industry. Currently VR and Metaverse technologies are gaining the most investments.

Authentify Art is an entertainment startup that focuses on the securing and connecting of digital and physical art pieces. The company uses a unique tamper-proof IoT (Internet of things) tags which verify proof of presence and tracking information about art pieces. The startup offers users the ability to access collected data. The San Diego based company has an established staff that has increased services since its initial launch.

View Authentify Art’s Official Website

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