Arts Journalism: A Commitment to Writing Something New

Thousands of digital media companies exist today. Each has the opportunity for writers to bring their content to the forefront of the internet. However, after about 15 years of experience, it indicates that one writer simply cannot publish his or her work everywhere all the time. At some point, the writer needs to focus on a short list of potential accomplishments in order to increase focus and delve more seriously into a particular area of their craft.

I enjoy a variety of writing types. As a reader, I enjoy all genres of writing. However, as a writer, I prefer to create journalism and dramatic texts. Within these two specific genres, many sub categories exists. News. Reporting. Screenwriting. Playwriting. The list goes on and on. Even though these are my interests, many wise men and women suggest that it is more productive to narrow the writer’s focus in order to strive for literary greatest.

This is a very difficult task for me. When I wake up in the morning, I am full of life and energy. I can’t wait to get my day started by going to the gym, eating breakfast, recovering and then enjoying the writing process. Nothing makes me happier than following this routine. However, there is a problem. When I finally get to the writing part, it’s hard for me to settle my mind on the type of writing I should be doing. In a perfect world, there would be time to write everything in my mind. The sad reality is that time is finite, I am limited as a person just like all other writers. It is truly impossible to master the craft of writing in a variety of areas. It has taken me a long time to reach this point, but I think today I have a good grip on what I am supposed to do.

I was inspired by a story about investment mogul Warren Buffett. One day, his pilot asked him the secret to becoming successful. Buffett asked him to write down 25 goals that he would like to achieve in life. After the list was made, Buffett asked him to circle what he considered to be the five most important goals. Once that was established, Buffett encouraged him to only focus on those five in life and completely forget about the others. The moral of the story is that there is not enough time to do everything, so it’s best to dive into the things that matter most. I appreciate this story but I still struggle with this from time to time.

If I had to pick only one area to write about for now it would be arts journalism. I’ve created an online platform where people from all over to world visit in order to discover something new about arts and entertainment. Since 2020, we’ve had over a million readers. While I am extremely happy about this milestone, sometimes I get down because what I really want to do is start with a blank canvas and make something creative. I don’t do so very often because with arts journalism there is so much to focus on. News content. Social media. Search engines. Editing. And so much more.

I am hoping for the opportunity to join my interests. Perhaps there is a way to incorporate creative writing within arts journalism. As of right now, the opportunity has not yet presented itself. But it is something I am looking forward to establishing. In the meantime, I am completely committed to the craft of arts journalism. I am happy with my decision, and I want to increase our readership so one day we can say we reached billions of readers online.

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