Army Lieutenant Sues Virginia Police After Traffic Stop | Morning Joe | MSNBC and The View

The lieutenant is right to do this.

NOTE: The content is of a racial nature and may be uncomfortable for some audiences. 4.12.21

The black man said I am scared to get out of the car.  And the white officer you should be.  He is suing the police department and I hope he gets his million dollars. Because we pitch a fit when Colin Kaepernick took a knee to protest police violence. It was a disgrace to our military even he spoke to the military guy and he said take a knee for fallen black people. Here we are now officers we never treat white people in the military like this. This is what black people no matter how noble the cause don’t deserve any praise.  Remember our government Killed Martin Luther King. He was black messiah-like  Fred Hampton and Malcolm X. So does this surprise no. Slave patrol at work period.  Black clearly don’t matter to white police officer period.

The sad thing is it is not going to change until white people change. We can march, sue and vote until whites want the change it will not happen period.

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