Apple Launched HomePod Mini and Smart Siri (Price starts from 99$)

HomePod Mini

One of the best aspects of being a part of the Apple ecosystem is that the company prides itself on privacy and security, and also keeping its consumer base informed about new innovations. The most recent event has been e-mailed to everyone that has an iCloud account with a streaming video of Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, and other industry leaders unveiling new products and discussing their position in the market space. Many analysts and bloggers expected this to be an opportunity for Apple to unveil the next innovation of the iPhone, and they were correct.

The majority of the video was Tim Cook explaining what makes the iPhone 12 different than its predecessors. An interesting part of the presentation is when Tim Cook invites Verizon CEO, Hans Vestberg, on stage to discuss how iPhone 12’s 5G capabilities will lead to faster loading times for streaming video and audio and raise the bar in regards to hardware functionality, camera and integration with Verizon and other internet service providers (ISPs). While there are usually only one or two iPhones in the market at a time, in about a month there will be several versions available: iPhone SE, iPhone X, iPhone 11, iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro.

Even though the unveiling of the iPhone’s capability of 5G technology was the most informative part of the presentation, the technology that everyone is talking about is the HomePod Mini. Apple still plans to manufacture and distribute the HomePod model, but they used the event to discuss and demonstrate the capabilities of HomePod Mini and the evolution of Siri, the most popular voice-command assistant in technology today. The HomePod mini is a smaller version of the HomePod, but it appears it can integrate well within households which may encourage consumers to buy more than one device.

Tim Cook stated that the goal of the HomePod Mini is for it to be easy to use, integrate seamlessly with other Apple products and promote privacy and security. Apple is taking the internet of things (IOT) very seriously; it is reflective in their company goals and their outstanding product design.

Due to Covid-19, the use of IOT devices will increase as some people are working from home or maybe in an area that is infectious and has not been able to return to work. Since more people will be indoors, the sales for IOT devices in 2020 should be an increase from the previous.

HomePod Mini is the perfect IOT device for use in the home setting that can actually help individuals and families gain access to information and complete tasks. With the new HomePod Mini, Siri has become even sharper and responds to voice commands better than previous versions of the product. HomePod mini is the company’s most updated smart speaker, which ensures that it will deliver quality sound when music or podcasts are played, or when Siri is responding to queries. The device is compatible with Apple Music, iHeart Radio, and Tune In.

A couple of weeks after launch HomePod Mini will be compatible with streaming services like Pandora and Amazon Music. Siri has gotten much faster and can recognize each individual voice in the home setting. HomePod Mini has the ability to connect with the iPhone in order to make calls, send text messages, use the calendar and launch many other applications installed on the iPhone.

There is also an Intercom app that allows one HomePod Mini to send an announcement to all other HomePod Minis in the house. This is a useful feature that will prompt consumers to purchase more than one device.

The new HomePod Mini can be pre-ordered on November 6th and it will start shipping the week of November 16th. HomePod Mini will release at a price of $99.

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