Apex Legends Season 6 – Boosted

Apex season 6

Source: ea.com

New Features
The new season of Apex Legends has arrived and with it changes that seem to change the entire way players previously play the game. Respawn has rolled out many new updates with changes to the map, the combat, and the shield systems. They promise a faster-paced game with a decrease in the damage required to “down” an opponent. This means quicker deaths. Along with this, we are introduced to a new legend, Rampart, who is a character that excels at holding down certain areas, the all-new crafting system that allows players to craft loot that changes daily and weekly, and big changes to the World’s Edge map. Whatever it may be, this season of Apex has changed the game.

First, let’s look at all the new features introduced this season from the legend to the shields.

Rampart and Sheila: The new legend this season is Rampart. Along with her trusty minigun, Sheila. Rampart is a crafter. She is probably the reason for the crafting materials popping up around World’s Edge and the new fortifications. As a legend, Rampart is fun to play for those that like holding locations down. Her passive allows her to have a personal extension on magazine capacity for LMGs as well a faster reload time for them as well, she really does love an LMG. Her regular ability allows her to place down five covers with shields that increase damage when shots are fired through it. As a legend, Rampart is fun to play but I don’t think she is the best legend, especially since some of the older legends just got better. However, with the right team, Rampart can be an annoyance to deal with and a force by your side.

World’s Edge fortified: A new season usually brings about new changes in the map. This time, World’s Edge gets fortified. It loses some of the drop locations, Mirage Voyage being the most notable, and instead adds three giant fortified structures. These structures, all marked with the Hammond Industry logo, are home to moving platforms and lots of open spaces. The three new spots are Countdown, Staging, and Launch site. They all have the same basic shape, a big open space surrounded by some small buildings and they are slowly becoming drop spot favorites. Of course, with the new crafting system, there are a few more changes to the map as well.

Crafting System: The crafting system offers players a way of getting some loot on the fly. Legends are required to gather up crafting materials and then use one of the replicators to create your very own loot. The loot you can create changes weekly and daily and includes a gun along with some attachments. The replicators also always include ammo for your loadout, health items, and a way to charge your Evo shield. Crafting materials are found in canisters scattered around a replicator and from opening loot crates around the map. This has been added to allow ease of access to at least one gun for legends that get respawned late game. The crafting system allows players to get certain loot without the hassle of looking for it.

Shields: Shields have also had a major change in Apex. There are no more standard shields, save for the Gold Shield with its abilities, instead all shields found in the world are Evo Shields. Legends also start off with a level 0 Evo Shield that requires 50 damage for a level 1 (white) Evo Shield. This is another method Apex has adopted to make games much faster. The early game is now a race to stack as much damage as possible to level up your shield.

The Volt: What better way to make your game faster than by introducing a new super-fast gun that will make Octane’s mouth water. The Volt is the new energy SMG like the R99 in its speed. The Volt is slowly becoming one of my favorite guns in the game thanks to its high fire rate and decent damage numbers. On top of that, it can use the digital threat scopes which makes the gun a force to reckon with, especially late in a game. The Volt is a great addition to the already impressive gun list that Apex boasts and is perfect when paired with a sniper, like the Triple Take, which also got a serious buff this season.

The Good
While all these changes seem like a lot, they really make Apex Legends a fun battle royal. The fast pace of the games along with the changes to the legend’s abilities allow the game to be an adrenaline-pumping experience. I particularly liked the addition of crafting. It makes finding ammo and loot early on, or when you respawn, a lot better. On top of that, the return of the Turbocharger and devotion to regular rotation is great. Not to mention, the R99 is a fantastic “heirloom” level gun (yes, that is what Respawn is calling the Red Level). With all the changes made to the legends, the guns, and the map, Apex Legends has some turns in the right direction after the game seemed to be going a bit stale.

The Bad
While the faster pace of the game means quicker action, the one downside it brings is that teams will often encounter a third, fourth, or even fifth team right after a battle. This can get frustrating quickly especially since there are a lot of players who do not really stick with their teammates. Another major downside is that there have not been a lot of changes to the way players unlock new cosmetics, something which Respawn has been criticized for before. The switch of their “quests” to simple comic book pages is also not the best update, especially since the quests last season were great at revealing some of the backstory and personality of the legends. The comic pages seem worthless and the only reason people would collect the treasure packs is for the single charm they can get. Moreover, the heirlooms have not yet been fixed. In my time playing Apex (I have played it steadily since its release) I have still not acquired any heirlooms or heirloom tokens. They simply must make a way for players to access these a bit easier, like in the battle pass. However, I think the worst thing is the glitches experienced in the lobby. A lot of the time, the “ready up” check will not appear, and your party members will get put in a game without you. To fix this, you must restart the game. I must do it after every game, and it makes the whole thing a pretty big ordeal. These are small things but they add up and make the game a bit more frustrating.

While all the negatives get in the way of playing the game or having the best loot, the overall game has been improved a lot. The new changes to the legends and the guns, making the game feel faster, is a welcome addition. Both Rampart and the new Volt are fun new arrivals and are probably the best things added to season 6 and the addition of crafting is something that is probably as impactful as the Ping system back when Apex first released. I think that Season 6 is one of, if not the best season Apex has, and with a few more updates and bug fixes, they could take back the throne as the best Battle Royal game on the market.

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