Andy Warhol Soup Can sell at Christie’s

Andy soup can be sold today for 5.5 million dollars today at he the auction at Christie’s it Started at 2million and it went to 5.5 million it is his Iconic work. He is apart of Pop culture and he was a superstar in his own right. He hung out with all the stars and had a major influence on the time’s style. His opinion was important just like anyone of this time. If it was happening he was there. No artist living had as much power of his time.

Why did Warhol paint soup cans? The reason he painted soup cans is that he liked soup.” Warhol was thought to have focused on them because they composed a daily dietary staple. Others said Campbell’s was a brand “close to his heart”.Apr 27, 2020

When he first exhibited Campbell’s Soup Cans in 1962, the canvases were displayed together on shelves, like products in a grocery aisle. … Warhol mimicked the repetition and uniformity of advertising by carefully reproducing the same image across each individual canvas.

The story of the original work is the story of one of the defining creations of the Pop Art Movement. In 1962, the year in which Pop Art was established as the latest major artistic movement, Andy Warhol began his transition from hand-painted to photo-transferred art with a groundbreaking series of works. Mar 13, 2018

The work illustrates a series of repetitions of the same can at a glance, but the reason the artist painted thirty-two different canvases is that Warhol reproduced every flavor available in 1962. It was during the process of creation of Campbell’s Soup Cans that Warhol first introduced silkscreen in his work. May 4, 2019

What made Andy Warhol stand out? He was a leader because he motivated others to try to practice his style of art. Andy Warhol’s new ideas changed the art world and cinema. His confidence came off to many like Nike’s slogan, “Just Do It!” He wasn’t afraid of what people thought of his work, because he was successful in what he was doing. May 23, 2010

Throughout his immensely prolific career he reinvented the concept of artistic expression, becoming one of the most influential artists for generations ahead. Andy Warhol has been a great source of inspiration not only for painters, but also fashion designers, photographers, musicians and filmmakers.

What happened to Andy Warhol’s face?’” From a young age, Warhol — who then went by Andrew Warhola — was anxious about his acne and blotchy skin, which started to lose pigment when he was eight years old. Some people called him “Spot,” or “Andy the Red-Nosed Warhola” (the redness was later attributed to rosacea). Jan 13, 2017. He passed away in 1987. He is a pop-culture hero and his art is still important today the artwork continues to go up in value.

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