Andrew Brown Jr. Shooting Traffic Stop and Senior Prank Gets Teens Arrested

Andrew Brown Jr. shooting, Black man reacts to White friend's traffic stop experience

NOTE: Some of the language in this article is of a racial nature and may make some audience uncomfortable.

This is white privilege at its best but these kids are acting racist but the people and community want these kids to have a future. Kids got weekends in jail. This affected all of the classmate’s graduation this happened during the Trump era. So all this racist graffiti was just a prank. No, it was a hate crime period. So this community was founded in the 60s during a turbulent time and it was black and white living together trying to have some peace.  The woman is still alive that integrated the school they poured hot soup in her lap as a child and threw tomatoes at her.  This was really sad on so many levels they had a black principal and this is really important, they called him the N-word and just a bunch of hate pointed at a marginal group. So here we are today and black men are being killed in the streets by those who swear to serve and protect. This is not a good thing for this country our legacy of hatred runs deep. So I am not surprised we have turned a corner in this country another black man was killed by police Andrew Brown Jr. Black vs. White traffic stop in black man’s mind he can die like George Floyd. So it can a traumatizing effect. I have been pulled over in small towns because I am black and my way to deal with this is to smile and be as less threatening as I can.  Almost turn in my mind into a step and fetch it show, so I don’t become hashtags. No reason to give them a reason to shoot me. I know you don’t see me as a human that is why I carry a sign around with me in my mind I am a man. Who had to do this. I drive in sundown town in Missouri delivering luggage and have been told point-blank that blacks are not wanted in these towns. Hell, I would not want to live by them at all.

This racism is thick in our country and let’s go and try to change it together. Why would you want to live in a country that does not treat all of its citizens the same? I don’t know why that is so much to ask for it is the bare minimum.  Let’s get reparations started it’s 400 years overdue with interest. It will benefit everybody in the end. Just like lottery winner’s they will be gone after people give back to the majority. It will not benefit our community in the long run because people with nothing want something. Maybe $20,000 a year for 400 years and no taxes for 400 years is a start. As time goes by that 20,000 will feel like 200 dollars it just how it goes. But the debt will be paid. Free education for 400 years.  Free health care for 400 years,  Free home loans for 400 years is a start, give us time to catch up. We need jail reform and educational reform and we need to kill the prison pipeline for our children. It is a long road but it is possible.

I am almost tired of writing about this mess but someone has to do it. I like giving videos and text. So you will know what we are dealing with every single day. Education, wealth, and nothing make us exempt from it at all. Like the sand in an hourglass, these are days of our lives, Father of seven gone.

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