Analysis of police violence brings Don Lemon to tears on live TV:

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Black People have been used by America to make the country great. Black women made Biden the President. We keep coming through for America. But America does not love us as we love it. We have no way to freedom in our country.  We get three times the police abuse from our country.  Blacks have hearts and we all want to help Floyd. We Jailed Micheal Vick for killing dogs but we can not convict police for killing innocent unarmed black men.  In 2020 we had Trump in office and we had  KKK running our united states. George’s girlfriend sees him as a good man. Nine minutes and 26 seconds to kill our brother. We will intervene if you keep killing us like that.  If he was a drug addict so what. The police see us like animals and they allow the bad police to do what they want and the blue wall of silence shows up.  Derek  Chauvin showed up with a knee on George’s neck and did not care about his life cause the police department is gonna back to him.  Chauvin’s lawyer is trying to put up smoke and mirrors. So we will show you a video and say don’t believe your lying eyes. The crowd is violent, George is a drug addict and the police sometimes do bad things. So let Derek Chauvin free. Stop with this BS he is guilty Derek needs jail time. The chief of police said he was wrong for his actions. That should be all that is said nothing else. Brionna Taylor Attorney  General failed  Tamika Mallory, Daniel  Cameron is a traitor to the black community. Emmett Till was set free on this day. The defense is blaming the crowd for the death of George Floyd, they think the jury is stupid. But just needs one white person to believe that all police are good. No God is the only innocent person to live on this planet man has a lot of flaws. I hope These young black rappers see their real power and started using their real power.

Young girl delivers tearful speech to Charlotte City Council

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