Analysis of Jay-Z’s Story of OJ and Closing the racial wealth gap.

The story of OJ is really tough to watch. When you are black you deal with this and you can see that blacks need help to understand. He is saying the truth, he taught us in his song and we can look like we are doing better, we still need to do more to teach blacks to do with their money. He wants to teach the community to get to generational wealth. You are not equal if you are black and you have money. People pay attention to art in music to get their money right. Black net worth 17,000 and Networth of white family 170,000. We need to close the wealth gap.

This is not for everyone but if you listen he is giving a road map to success listen. Art is everything and he gives you a snapshot of how the world sees black people. He wants to see black people rise and we need more of this. We need stock, crypto, and art, and they need money to use it right. Even in a bear market, you need to invest in the stock market and Life insurance. Give the gift of helping black children learn about wealth. Debt freedom is a way to build wealth. You need to then make in move into investing. Risk is the way to build Freedom. The stock market is going up 10% a year. Even in the bad year. This is really good to know dept is slavery and this is a start. Term Life insurance is a good thing. So watch these videos. The vision you have, 10 times and 12 times life insurance. You need something else to make money. You need to keep your money. Need side hustle to a side business and this really good thing. Index Funds and the stock market. Making money in your sleep is a good thing. Your money needs to be employed. 15% of your income needs to be invested and this is this real estate investing. Being a giver is the best way to build wealth.

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