AMERICAN THEATRE | Offscript: Chukwudi Iwuji’s Cyrano Is Larger Than Life


Chukwudi Iwuji. (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

Offscript, American Theatre’s flagship podcast for a number of years, is usually offered as a Facebook Live chat as well as in this audio format. This month we just have the audio podcast, and it’s a good one. Stay tuned to this feed for more.

This month we talk to Chukwudi Iwuji, an acclaimed Nigerian British artist known for movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and classical work with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He’s currently starring in Cyrano de Bergerac at Pasadena Playhouse, and he shares his experience of the piece, from an initial exposure in drama school, to this process’s focus on language and relationships. Pasadena’s iteration, with Edmond Rostand’s original freely adapted by Martin Crimp, locates the story of Cyrano in a modern setting full of poetry and passion. Iwuji discusses Cyrano’s insecurities and performative nature, the importance of imagination in building a character, and the exciting challenges in taking on this layered and profound character journey.

You can download the episode here. If you have any feedback or suggestions for Offscript, please reach out to

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Chukwudi IwujiPasadena PlayhouseShowcase


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