American History and Reparations

Do Black people Believe in reparations. Black Bottom Detroit : St. Louis is the same story: Red lining is real

Social integration has failed and that is the problem. So every other protected group has benefited from civil rights. Most people who come to this country are immigrants who benifit from the American laws and policies that were created in the 60s. 88% of Americans don’t want reparations for black people, which is not fair. This is really important to the black community. Black Bottom was the residence that got destroyed and they came in and killed it so black people would not have a business in 1957 and with the highway act. Take the eminent domain to kill our business. They moved all the Ford plant and other car company plants so they will kill the economy. They did it in every city they moved blacks for the highway. Black companies went out of business for integration.  Negro League went out of business for black people. Reparation for Prisoners of war had more rights than black people. Americans burned towns all over the city during riots in placesn with large black populations. Sundown town in our great country. 248 black towns burned down. Black bottom was strong in music and jazz. This mess happened in my city of St. Louis all the car plants moved to suburbs so other people could have all the good jobs, Now it is happening in north county history is repeating itself. All of the malls have moved out all the car plants moved out. I wish Tesla would build a plant in St. Louis the only thing that could build our communities back is the big companies should be able to move the business back to  North county. Our property values in north county are half that of affuent areas. Most of the homes in the north county were owned and rented by  people leaving in more afluent parts of the county. This country has never loved black people period. You want to give us our land back.  All the land for our city and the black business back. All hair and nail shops should be black. All restaurants should be black. Black wall street needs to be revived period. St. Louis is doing the same thing to black people. Paul Mckee is the one that bought most of the abandoned buildings. So good or bad is all we have. Property values dropped after they killed Martin Luther King. Now we named streets after him and all the houses on streets they all blacks to get homes. The better the schools the better housing value. Clayton was owned by blacks in St. Louis that can tell you everything you need to know about my home town. Americans stole our land and gave us nothing. Clayton was born in 1962 just like me and it was stolen from black people. Wall street in new york was stolen from black people and Central park also in new york.

Residence of Clayton Mo stolen from black people in 1962,

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Clayton was black land in 1962 when i was about to be born

Black Bottom

ST. Louis

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