Amazon movie ‘Them’ and Muhammad Ali Meets Clueless And Privileged Karen

United We Stand: The Muhammad Ali Summit and Georg Floyd death and Chauvin verdict

Ali is telling the truth and it is still relevant today, being white gives you the advantage that blacks don’t have.  Our black grandparents house has been devalued and when we look them up today it almost worthless. Redlining is real.  When blacks move in the values of the property fall because of our black bodies. We just want to live and be left alone, I moved into an area of the north county and it was mostly white 30 years ago black in the area were professional people, and we seem to all get along, I am still in the same area now and our housing price is not keeping up with our white counterparts with white people in Chesterfield. My builder the same year house is $140,000 more than I paid for my house why because of the black body in my house is worth less. No, not all whites have not left my area we have a nice neighborhood. So why because I am black it is a problem. The Movie on Amazon THEM is a horror movie, it is real in black America, No matter how much we want to live there is a lot of people who could care less about black people. When I think of my life it was like I was in the movie Life is Beautiful. Life is Beautiful is about a child in a German concentration camp and his dad kept him from seeing the horror. Well, my family kept it fun for me my grand and great grandparents love me so they did not want me to see the pains of racism. So I did not see it as a child and that is why we had a black president because of the love of our parents. It is really hard to ignore that it took a village to raise black children and now the village is dead. So our community is dead. Think about it we do not have people looking out for our children. It is hard out here and the kids don’t look at elders the same. They have a lot of black children who don’t have a life to look forward to because the system has failed us. Just like the older daughter that wanted to be white, she thought her pain would end if she was. It is so sad that in this country black beauty does not exist period. We are animals to them to this day. That is why they say our death is our fault they love dogs more than us.  A white dog owner got a million dollars for the police killing their dog. Mike Brown’s parents got 1.5 million and the city cried about it. I know it is easy to blame black people for all that is wrong in America but it is not it is the government policy that started racism in this country. plain and simple  The movie THEM is hard to watch without rage if you are black. Like James Baldwin “to be black in America is to be in a constant state of rage.”

This is about the movie THEM on Amazon it is must watch. If you are black it will leave you speechless and you have to be willing to change and move forward if you are in the majority do you really see black people or do you believe the mess you see in the media. I remember the 911 bombing and on tv, on the news, they were talking about gangs nightly and gang violence. After the bombing, the focus changed not an airplane in the sky and people that were Muslims were running scared. So the focus was changing our problem within Iraq and Iran. So watch THEM the movie black people have been in a horror movie for 400 years. the movie addresses everything blacks deal with in America today. So you can not watch this movie and not see the comparison today in the world we live in. Just think about it, George Floyd was in the middle of a horror movie. I know this seems like a bunch of stuff just put together but it is 400 years in the making. We have a real problem in America and we black people need our white friends to help period. Until white people stand up as you did for George Floyd,. justice will only be served when white people say enough is enough.

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