Almost all of Russia’s proposed evacuation routes out of Ukraine go to Russia or ally Belarus

Putin wants refugees to come to his country or Belarus, that is not reasonable for people to follow someone who is trying to take over their country. The ally may want to walk people into possible internment camps and just lik thee Nazis walked people into gas chambers this is not going to work. You don’t know where this is going to lead. As they continue to take men, women and children in.

All but one of the corridors leaves civilians in an uncertain future in Russia or Belarus, while several of the routes would pass through areas of active conflict. TASS said that once in Russia, civilians would be moved by “air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or temporary accommodation points.”

I am going to take a chance with my child to get to a free country or a country that is not free and just attacked the country unprovoked they just wanted to be Democratic, if someone wants to live in a communist country that works for some people. It is just like religion lets them be free, choose the one they want period. Every country is going to come to this in their own time and space.

“We demand from the Ukrainian side to strictly fulfill all the conditions for the creation of humanitarian corridors in the listed directions and to ensure an organized withdrawal of civilians and foreign citizens,” the announcement said, according to TASS.

Forcing the Ukrainians to go to the country of your choice is not right Putin. It is like you want to fight and they want to be free. This war is killing families and they have had freedom for 30 years now, that is hard to give up because you don’t want them in NATO. America is not perfect in war either but when they kill innocent people even terrorist they admit wrongdoing.

Stillhart said the challenge was to get the two parties to an agreement that is “concrete, actionable and precise.”

Illustrating his point, he said some ICRC staff had tried to get out of Mariupol along an agreed route on Sunday but soon realized “the road indicated to them was actually mined. Like I said walking refugees into mind fields is like walking Jews into gas chambers this will not work.

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