“All Lives matter” black people guilty of being black.

White men are cop killer's


They are in front of the NAACP in Houston with his mess for real. SMH


’He brought an “All Lives Matter” shirt to me and he was yelling at me with it, calling me racist’ — Black food truck owners Brittney Myers and Solomon Odubajo recount the terrifying moment a white man pulled a gun on them in what they think was a hate crime.

This is the bind that black people live in we really can’t call the police for help because we a liable to be killed. That has happened at the club’s police killed the men the boncer in the club. This is a real problem in America we call the police we can be killed. All lives matter is a catchphrase for white cancel culture. So here is the problem We can’t call the police they don’t protect and serve black people period and when we do.  White men can pull guns on us and get away with it.  But if a black man pulls a gun on a white man he gets 20 years period.  White Lives matter for real and black don’t matter look at the evidence, white wan kills his family they call hostage negotiators to try and bring him out. They want the white alive. White cops are killed by white man and they don’t pull guns on white men evidence below. This was a rare time. White skin protects you from being killed period even if you are from another country you are white. I like to give video evidence of my point. People with white skin get trials. Black men don’t matter. All live matter has never mattered in America. Not since slavery until that crime is dealt with nothing moving forward in this country. So when you say all lives matter just I say I hate black people it is the same. It like saying President Biden, not our leader Trump is. It is a lie.













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