Aliza Nisenbaum Presents The Paintings about Dedication of NHS Workers at Tate Liverpool

Aliza Nisenbaum's exhibition will start to run on 15 December 2020 at Tate Liverpool.

Courtesy of Artist. 

Aliza Nisenbaum is a Mexican-born artist, who lives and works in New York. She often depicts portraits of a person, people, or community groups. Her works about the dedication of NHS (National Health Service) staff from Merseyside during the pandemic period will set to run from 15 December 2020 – 27 June 2021 at Tate Liverpool.

 Credit picture: Courtesy of Artist. 

Nisenbaum’s paintings are very touching, with the stories about how NHS staff works to save lives and how Covid-19 has affected their home lives as well. The paintings are bright, colorful, and intense. Every picture has its own story that is seen from the facial expression of the subject and his/her surrounding also. Nisenbaum’s portraits deal with the mixed feelings and emotions of the subjects. I see Nisenbaum’s painting as an embodying of love and care. It speaks beyond the words, through their bodies and actions.

To raise the elements of subject personality in her paintings, Aliza Nisenbaum always makes a deep conversation with her talents. She usually works in her studio with the sitters or real life with the subjects doing their activities. However, the spreading of Covid-19 does not allow all of these. She told, “Since the coronavirus, I’ve been inspired by how that has completely changed. We’re all on Zoom..”. . She turns her method to paint based on memories, photographs, and Zoom meetings.


In Tate Liverpool’s exhibition, you will see the two new large-scale group portraits and eleven individual portraits. Besides that, you will also enjoy three films that one of them is the documentary of Nisenbaum’s creative process for this exhibition and previous her projects.


Aliza Nisenbaum’s paintings are pivotal since they talk not only about the struggle of health care workers amid the pandemic, but also, the most important things are love, sacrifice, and humanity.


Fun Facts about Aliza Nisenbaum:





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