Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she’s a sexual assault survivor

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she's a sexual assault survivor

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is telling her story of the riot this is what Trump did to all of congress and the senate.  This is a real trauma and people do not seem to care because she is a woman of color who has the courage. This is going to be rough to deal with.  This guy has a lot of anger he was the capitol police. He was angry and upset maybe because he was just told to go. So they ran, this is the fear that was put into her and she came back to work. It is like someone was trying to lynch her and no one could protect them because Trump has already put a target on her head from nasty disgraceful views of her and all women of color. She is blessed to be alive by the grace of God. That crowd wanted to kill her for real. Conservative Domestic Terrorist is who they are Trump did all of this.  He lit the flame, nobody stole the election. Biden has been President for 2 weeks and it has been boring thank God.   She is a real patriot !

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